New book: 300+ common Dutch language errors made by English speakers and how to avoid them

As a Dutch teacher, I often correct the same mistakes. Why? Because almost all students know English too. And they translate literally from English. But Dutch isn’t English, and typical issues will arise because of those structures, grammar issues and words different in Dutch.

One typical example is the structure of the sentences. How does the following sound: ‘Now think I that it good is in order quick to travel’? Yes, this is the word structure in Dutch. Other typical example is ‘I speak in the English’, because Dutch adds an article in front of the languages.

Correct your Dutch mistakes

That’s why I wrote a book, based on my experiences. Over 300 of examples are shown, translated and corrected with clear explanations about the reason why English speakers make them. The book is written for advanced beginners, from level A2 to B1.

There are hundreds of additional exercises to help you practice, with the solutions at the end of the book. I sincerely hope to help you perfect your Dutch by buying this book. Feel free to take a look at other products in the shop.