What to do in language group classes

One of the most popular ways to learn a language is through language classes. Even though there are many types, a group class can be the easiest (and cheapest) one.

A great start is to ask for a try-out. So you can check if you’re at the appropriate level, and if you like the teacher’s style as well as the pace.

Writing during classes can help you a lot!

At the end of the class, your teacher may give you homework. Make sure to always do it – some teachers even correct it for free! One tip: don’t do the homework just before or after class. The more you spread your learning, the better.

While you’re in class, be active! There are many ways you can learn much more during the lessons. Listen actively to the other students. Ask questions. Write down words your teacher used that are above your level and look them up afterwards. Or, even better, bring a dictionary. Or use a digital one on your smartphone.

If you’re scared to speak, remember all the other students are scared to speak too. You may want to ask questions to them to make sure they feel comfortable too. Learning involves making mistakes. And if you’re not making mistakes in class, where will you?

Talking about speaking: during breaks, start to speak the language you’re learning with your fellow students. They may want to take up the good habit of having a language partner.

If you have some sense of humor, use it. People will be more relaxed, you’ll be more relaxed, your teacher will be more relaxed. You don’t have to be funny all the time, but if you associate learning with fun, you’ll be looking forward to the next lesson.

Many teachers give extra resources. Check them out after doing your homework. The teachers will select the best ones for your level and your individual needs.