Niet or geen? Differences between Dutch not’s and no’s

As you’re learning your first Dutch words, you’ll come across an important topic: to say a sentence in the negative. For example: I don’t live in Germany:

  • Ik woon niet in Duitsland.

So, not is niet, right? Yes. And no. Because as you’re translating the next sentence: ‘I am not a German’, you won’t see a niet in:

  • Ik ben geen Duitser.

But you do see a geen appearing. So when do you use geen, and when niet? Well, it’s simple: if you can replace the not in English by a no, it’s geen. In the other cases, it’s niet. Let’s see our two examples:

  • I don’t live in Germany. I do no live in Germany = wrong, so it’s… Ik woon niet in Duitsland.
  • I am not a German. I am no German = right, so it’s… Ik ben geen Duitser.

That’s it. Also mind that a simple ‘no’ as in not a yes is translated as nee or neen.

Check out more Dutch here!

Learn languages with movies – fun!

Have you ever learnt languages by watching movies? It’s a great tool to learn new words and new expressions in the language you’re learning. However, there are some do’s and don’ts.

First of all, the genre of the film should be suited to your language level. Action movies and animated movies are best for beginners, because those use simple words and sentences. Especially if they’re movies for kids. More advanced students are better served with the many puns and expressions of comedies.

Second, prepare well by printing the script. Check which words are used most, and learn those you don’t know yet. You can find the most-used words also by using Wordle or WordCounter.

Third, never watch dubbed movies. This may be obvious, but what’s the point of watching a movie if not even the language is the language you’re learning?

Fourth, avoid watching with subtitles in your language. You’ll be more concentrated on reading your own language instead of learning new words.

Fifth, put subtitles in the language you’re learning. These are mostly used by deaf persons, but you can enjoy them too.

Sixth, find movies in the language you’re learning on IMDb. Go for the search option and select the language you’re learning under the option ‘languages’.

More tips in my book.