Almost everyone has a smartphone, so why not use it to learn Dutch? Let’s review the top apps for learning Dutch. Some have both a free and a paying option.
Top paying apps
- Rosetta stone has an outstanding reputation for many languages, also thanks to their app you can try for free for 3 days.
-‘s app costs $2,99 (price may change) and includes the 1000 most common words used plus pronunciation.
- Mondly created an excellent app with many free features plus the possibility of paying for extra premium features.
- offers a few video language lessons for free but most of the content is paid. You can try their approach with some free apps.

Top free apps
- Excellent and highly recommended is Read or watch news and answer the questions based on your level, not for absolute beginners though.
- Duolingo is completely free and is an online leader with its multiple choice questions. A similar one is Babbel’s free Dutch learning application.
- HelloTalk connects you with native speakers to simply chat.
- Learn over 6000 words with this highly-rated app from FunEasyLearn.
- To Learn Free has an uncountable number of quizzes on its old school website.
- Head over to the Dutch Language Academy for grammar quizzes up to intermediate level.
- Good texts up to intermediate level on‘s website.
- Answer easy multiple choice questions with Clozemaster.
Top apps for advanced students (B2+)
- Find expert spellingtests on
- Search for mistakes on the VRT’s game Taalklik.
- Practise your grammar with exercises on
- Ignore the first questions on the Interuniversitaire Taaltest, the test starts from question 9 on.
Check for more apps in Google Play’s store.