Dutch for intermediate students: new course

After long hours of filming, drawing up exercises and recording MP3 files, I’m happy to announce my fifth course to learn Dutch is ready.

Using total immersion and a practical approach, the course focuses on those topics intermediate students find challenging, like the word ‘door’ or ‘het hangt ervan af.’

Every video lesson is about 10 minutes and contains new words, expressions and grammar. Most of the words taught are among the most common words used in Dutch. After the video lesson, the words are written down and read in an MP3 file.

Each lesson also contains a text in which the new words are included, which is also read in a downloadable audio file. Lessons finish with a quiz to test the knowledge. At the end of the series of lessons, there’s an exam.

This method is also used in my other courses you can find here.

Dutch course for advanced beginners

Since I’ve already published several Dutch courses for beginners, it was time for the next one. If you’ve followed the previous three ones, you’ll know exactly what you need to know to start this one… for intermediate students.

What do you get? With my total immersion approach, only Dutch is spoken, from the very first lesson on. I explain words using Dutch, facial expressions, dialogues, synonyms, a story to follow and so on. This will help you to directly thing in Dutch, an essential feature when learning new languages.

After each video, there’s a list of words as well as a test and MP3s to listen to, so you can practice wherever you like. And what’s different about this course? It’s for intermediate students and follows directly the previous ones.

How did I choose the content? Mostly based on questions of intermediate students, as well as tricky grammar points on that level, like ‘waarvoor’ and ‘daarvan’. Being a fan of ‘most common words’ lists, I put as many words I could from the 2000 most common words in the course. Here’s the promo video:

I’m looking forward to your feedback on this brand new course.