Learn Dutch in Dutch 5: understand more (intermediate level)

A course for intermediate Dutch students with exercises, video lessons, downloadable MP3 files and much more.


  • Do you already know Dutch at B1 level, about 1000-1500 words?
  • Or did you follow my four previous courses?
  • Do you want to understand even more Dutch?
  • Do you prefer to learn at your own rhythm?
  • Do you want to learn words and expressions at your level?

You’re at the right place!

A second course for intermediate students (B1)

Over 100 words and plenty of practical grammar and exercises: this is what is waiting for you . It’s aimed at students at the intermediate level (B1).

Examples of lessons: how to use prepositions like door and te, vocabulary about food, the differences between meeste, meestal, when to use helft and half, and much, much more… The course is based on a story, you’ll follow two characters in a day in their lives, to make the course interesting and easy to follow.

In this Dutch course you’ll learn with 24 video lessons, 100% in the Dutch language, so you will learn quickly. There are also audio files attached to each lesson, so you can listen to the new vocabulary again and practice again.

Also be prepared, as there’s a test at the end of each lesson – as well as an exam at the end of the course. But you can take as much time as you want to prepare.

You can start this course if you already know about 1000 to 1500 words. The Flemish accent, used in Belgium, is the accent I use in this course. In the Netherlands, they can also understand this accent.

After this course you will be a bit further than the middle of level B1.

Ready to learn the Dutch language with me? Get ready to understand more Dutch!

Your Dutch teacher,


PS: If you don’t understand something, ask questions, because the course is 100% in Dutch.