Books to learn Maltese

Where can I find books to learn Maltese?

Only a limited number of Maltese language learning books are available, even in Malta. That’s why I wrote the books below for absolute beginners. One is about the vocabulary, the other about the basic grammar and the last one is a compilation of conjugations.

Even if it’s a bit outdated, I highly recommend Joseph Vella’s Maltese: why not? It uses dialogues to build up your knowledge and includes answers to typical issues foreigners might struggle with. The workbook comes along. Other older books have mixed reviews like Grazio Falzon’s phrasebook, which includes a dictionary and some basic grammar.

Charles Daniel Saliba is an authority when it comes to modern books to learn Maltese. Even if the price is a bit higher than the ones above, they are well-reviewed. His series is for all levels, even for intermediate students unlike the books above. For example for speaking more Maltese and more words and expressions.

If you’re in Malta, check out BDL books, a bookshop in San Ġwann specialised in Maltese books. Some of the books above are available, but check out the children’s books too.

Spotted another good book? Let me know. And also check the other resources to learn Maltese. PS: I might get a little commission if you buy the books above through the links.