Learn languages with subtitles

Enjoy watching films and series? You’ll love learning while watching. So here’s how it goes.

As a beginner, you have two choices. For example, you’re learning French. You can either watch French films with English subtitles. Or you can watch English ones with French subtitles. Depends on whether you learn best while hearing or while reading.

© That’s ‘yes’ in French

Quickly, you’ll pick up new words. Start with the easiest ones. Or those you see or hear most frequently. Write them down if it helps you. As you’ll start to understand more and more, this will motivate you to continue.

When you’re ready, watch French films with French subtitles. This is the fastest way to learn. But you’ll need to understand a lot, so don’t frustrate yourself if you haven’t reached that level.

So where do you find films and series with subtitles? If you’re renting, check on the back of the box which subtitles there are. Also, popular platform Netflix doesn’t only feature many multi-language series, but also offers plenty of subtitles.

An alternative is YouTube. Translate ‘films with subtitles’ in the language you’re learning, and put this in the search box in YouTube.

Enjoy your films and series! Or even documentaries…

One Reply to “Learn languages with subtitles”

  1. When I watch my old favorites in a new language, I find that I pick up new words relatively quickly. I already know the plot (and the context) inside and out, so I can focus on the language.

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