Lesson 9: Meeting exercise
After seeing grammer, let’s put it in practice in your first dialogue! First, we’ll see some words to use in the dialogue, then we’ll do the exercise.

Note: the verbs are ‘weak’ verbs, so you know how to conjugate them from the previous lessons. And Studentenausweis is a combination of Student and Ausweis. This happens a lot in German. These combinations take the plural and gender of the last word.
Dialogue (informal)
- Hello.
Hi. What’s your name?
I’m Hans. And you?
My name is Matilda. I’m the German teacher.
Do you learn German?
Yes, I am the student. What do you need?
The passport, please.
Do I get the student card? (the article is den, we’ll see that in another lesson)
No. But here is the bill.
Thank you.
You’re welcome. See you later.
- Hallo.
Hi. Wie heißt du?
Ich heiße Hans. Und du?
Mein Name ist Matilda. Ich bin die Deutschlehrerin.
Lernst du Deutsch?
Ja, ich bin der Student. Was brauchst du?
Der Ausweis, bitte.
Bekomme ich den Studentenausweis?
Nein. Aber hier ist die Rechnung.
Gerne. Bis später.