Beginners’ Dutch course part 6: Numbers, this & that, pronouns

Lesson 5 is here.

Lesson 34: numbers

Lesson 35: This, that, these

Lesson 36: connecting sentences

Lesson 37: little words: their meaning

Exercise: numbers & sentences

Write in full the following numbers in Dutch:

  1. 105
  2. 43
  3. 1247
  4. 45839
  5. 3002453780

Translate the sentences, mind the demonstrative pronouns:

  1. They are in that hotel.
  2. These women have mad husbands (mad = gek).
  3. Can he present this friend?
  4. We use that.
  5. Do you (formal) speak that language? (language = de taal)

Translate the sentences.

  • I forget that that man speaks many languages.
  • The son, which has a hotel, speaks to my grandparents.
  • The orphan of that game that everyone wants, is there.
  • I go unless you (informal single) want to speak.
  • So you want something? (plural informal)


Write in full the following numbers in Dutch:

  1. honderd(en)vijf
  2. drieënveertig
  3. duizend tweehonderdzevenenveertig
  4. vijfenveertigduizend achthonderdnegenendertig
  5. drie miljard twee miljoen vierhonderddrieënvijftigduizend zevenhonderdtachtig

Translate the sentences, mind the demonstrative pronouns:

  1. Ze zijn in dat hotel.
  2. Die vrouwen hebben gekke mannen.
  3. Kan hij die vriend voorstellen?
  4. We gebruiken dat.
  5. Spreekt u die taal?

Translate the sentences.

  • Ik vergeet dat die man vele talen spreekt.
  • De zoon, die een hotel heeft, spreekt met mijn grootouders.
  • De wees van dat spel dat iedereen wil, is daar.
  • Ik ga tenzij je wil spreken.
  • Dus jullie willen iets?

Lesson 38: some funny expressions

Download the vocabulary here.

Lesson 39: tip language exchange

Here are the links for the language exchange.


  1. The sentence read at the end of the last lecture means…: I’ll be hungry today / I have an odd number of pieces of bread / I have 882888 pieces of bread /  I have 828888 pieces of bread / I have 882288 pieces of bread / something else
  2. Billions are always written separately, millions not: true / false
  3. The demonstrative pronoun for muur is…: dat / dit / die / deze
  4. How many mistakes are in the following sentences: Wie is dit? Het gebeurd dat we honderd duizenden namen vergeten. Maar ik niet. Ik vergeet niet namen. None / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4+
  5. Tenzij and behalve als mean the same, but one changes and the other doesn’t. Completely true / partly true, partly false / completely false


  1. None of the above. It’s ‘I have 882 828 pieces of bread.’
  2. False, millions as well.
  3. Die, it’s a de-word in the singular.
  4. 3, gebeurd is gebeurt, honderdduizenden in one word and ik vergeet geen namen instead of niet.
  5. Partly true, partly false. They both change the normal order of sentences.

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